Sunday, May 3, 2015

BREAKING: ISEA Attacks Boracay Beach

BREAKING: ISEA Attacks Boracay Beach

ISEA launched an offensive on Boracay Beach in the Philippines earlier today. Philippine intelligence has confirmed that the attack was intentionally targeted toward foreigners; the death toll is currently at 264, with at least half of those being tourists to the Philippines, including at least 40 Americans.

UPDATE: A group of masked Filipinos arrived at the popular tourist beach in Boracay opening fire on tourists at the beach. Buses disguised as college students on vacation from the southern Philippines were believed to hold up to 60 militants. The perpetrators were armed with semi-automatic weapons, opening fire at the beachgoers. The small security forces were overwhelmed, with almost all of the militants escaping.

The militants left multiple banners of the ISEA banner draped over some of the dead corpses on the beach. Social media has announced congratulations from all branches of ISEA's contributing factions.

The death toll has been revised to 315 dead with over 200 injured. One of the Philippines' most famous and protected tourist sites, Boracay was one of the few places in the country still attracting foreign tourists.

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