Saturday, May 2, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Video Released of MILF-Marine Kidnapping

BREAKING: Video Released of MILF-Marine Kidnapping

A video has just been released by Snapchat, of a snapchat user in the Philippines who caught the kidnapping of a U.S. Marine by MILF.

The video, submitted to the Snapchat user's "My Story" was noticed by Snapchat corporate offices, saved and sent to the U.S. government, and taken off of the user's story.

Snapchat has released a statement saying, "Although we understand that our app allows for freedom of expression, and we promote the 'My Story' feature to grant our users the opportunity to show what happens in their daily lives, it was the discretion of the main Snapchat offices to take the video down. We apologize for the uproar it has caused, and hope to assist in any way possible."

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