Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Chairman of Vietnamese Fatherland Front and the Quest for Peace

The Chairman of Vietnamese Fatherland Front and the Quest for Peace

The Chairman of the Vietnamese Fatherland Front plans on creating posters depicting China as the loving big brother of Vietnam in order to calm tensions between the two countries, and has announced that the Red Army Choir of Vietnam will begin creating songs of friendship between the Vietnamese and Chinese people.

In addition to his international foci, the Chairman is taking steps to calm domestic tensions in response to recent riots and unrest between the Hoa and Kinh minorities. Amongst these steps are increasing religious freedom and internet freedom, and putting up billboards promoting Vietnamese nationalism. In addition, he seeks to increase minority rights via the revision of laws in order to ensure all citizens enjoy freedom from arbitrary deprivation of life, torture, arbitrary arrest, denial of a fair and public trial, and arbitrary interference of privacy.

Sources have indicated that these steps are having a positive impact, and that the riots and domestic unrest has calmed.

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