Saturday, May 2, 2015

Thanks, Obama

Thanks, Obama
FOX News
Jason Flick

In a recent survey, the majority of the American public has found President Barack Obama incapable of fulfilling his role in handling difficult decisions. After criticism of him not doing enough in the international system, Obama seems to only be making things worse for himself and the United States of America.

Official figures have come in from the recent bombing of the US Consulate in Cebu City, Philippines. A total of 23 US citizens were killed, including the head of the Consular Agency. This event followed the US shooting of Filipino military forces in a rescue mission. Many believe these two events are correlated and some are pointing the finger at Obama’s response to the accidental US attack.

To make matters worse, it has been confirmed that the rescued Marine was the shooter in the mass shooting of numerous American citizens. FOX News’ psychological experts are critical of the United States treatment of the American Marine after his rescue.

It is clear to us at FOX News that leadership in this beautiful country is not up to par. As a result of this, America’s international reputation is only declining.

Thanks, Obama.

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